Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Yawns... 好累啊!Studying at home can be pleasurable but at the same time rather dull. Can't help but feel overwhelmed by a sense of guilt whenever I stay out for too long... Yes, I know nobody can keep going on and on (same kind of things we keep telling each other) and its not as if I really study continuously when at home (naps in between seem to help in relaxation and hopefully consolidation of whatever I've read... read somewhere that your brain works to compartmentalize the things you read when you rest.. you just need to know where to find them when the time comes.)

Whenever its time for breaks, I would either take a walk or just watch some tv otherwise just laze ard. Haha. Wanna go get some stuff simply for the sake of distracting yourself doesn't seem to work well either. Never seem to find anything that seriously interests me. The malls can only seem interesting if you don't head there too often. Given the proximity to my place, I head there at least once a week simply out of convenience; things there are starting to bore me.

So much to do, so little time. Maybe its because I'm staying home most of the time these days.. seem to develop this heck-care liao attitude (maybe not.. perhaps just trying to avoid facing the notion of exams). Just waiting for the sky to fall on me. (Perhaps the sem help to build it up too.) Praying hard nothing screws up when the paper starts this Sat...


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