Thursday, May 04, 2006

The last few days...

Was reading a friend's posting on her blog lately about the fight that's brewing before we all take to the polls on Saturday. They have another day to convince the people and you can sense the heat is building up.

Sadly, the political scene is turning more into a fish market brawl. Yes we understand the point you are trying to make about Gomez, we hear you. Can we hear about other issues? Why has all the speeches so far been bashing the opposition? I didn't favour the opposition because I felt they were bashing the PAP all the time, trying to discredit their opponent (not a good method to attract attention) . Now the PAP is joining in. Very disappointing, why not just make the point and move on? They're just missing a few seats to becoming once again the dominant party here (little surprise) you can't help but feel that they're doing this to squeeze as many votes as possible for the party this time round. Its natural that they would want as much votes as possible given that its the first time that Mr Lee HL is leading the party to the polls but such actions could backfire by making the electorates feel negatively about the party.

We do need opposition voices and that is an important part of a democratic society, otherwise you might as well be a authocratic state. Arguing that you could use more attention to focus on future issues and long term plans doesn't really cut ice, the argument is sound but you still need to learn to deal with an opposition if you really value democracy(opposition outside of parliament doesn't count since we can't resort to people power here).

Playing safe is one reason why people continue to vote for the dominant party. But the situation now is a lot different from the periods under SM Goh and MM Lee. Who knows, the new generation might like a prefer a less conventional choice?

As for me.. I'm still thinking about it. Nothin is fixed till the ballot paper ends up in the box.


Blogger Dee said...

u're the 50% of ppl who's not politcally apathetic, three cheers for feli! ^^

haven been doin much research on em stuff. seems to have lots of info on these? =)

12:43 am  
Blogger Ah Cat said...

Ya there are a few blogs out there looking at the recent election rallies down here. Some have really funny stuff online. Look around and you'll see.

The dust will settle very soon.

1:43 pm  
Blogger kachuaz said...

check out the Bah Chor Mee No Liver Podcast


6:39 pm  
Blogger Ah Cat said...

Yar, was talking to my friend about the elections that day immediately after I posted this entry. He sent me the 'bak chor mee' one.

Initially din understand what was going on then everything became clear when he say, "come here I show u my CCTV". HAHAHAHA!!
My parents couldn't stop laughing when I played that for them.

2:45 pm  

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