Saturday, February 11, 2006

Its a crazy rush. Feli, do this. Feli do that. N don't you forget you've got that to take care of. The last thing I need is a group that doesn't function like a group. 6 members... 2 are not responding online; one very quiet one; another very cocky. I smell trouble. People submit your stuff when you have to CAN?? Be more pro-active, a little help here? Why do I always have to do admin? At least show some interest so I won't look ridiculous here.

So little time... so much stuff. Looking at the stack piling up week after week it just dawns on me why the information doesn't go in. I simply don't want to know anymore. I don't care who dies, how many died, what happened and how it happened. Lectures are ok, I just don't want to read anymore.

Damn it!


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