Friday, January 13, 2006

Rain, rain come again

Finally! It stopped raining early this morning, a much anticipated change for many after almost an entire week of continuous rain. Its amazing how the weather system here manages to keep it up, on and on for days and nights without end.

Today morning was just perfect. Misty winscreens of cars, nice cool weather (no need for an umbrella and no more wet jeans for a change), everything was just shrouded in a light mist. Great way to start a weekend but that's as far as the good part goes...

The scorching sun made its first appearance around mid-day, thankfully for the aircon in the library I managed to avoid the heat until 2pm when I had to step out of school for another appointment elsewhere.
The sun heat always manages to effectively dull my senses if it gets into my system (often the case). Suddenly, I was hoping for rain again. I've never felt very positively towards sunny days because the heat insolation is tremendous; rain seems to be the only thing that provides relief.

Now we've exhausted the rainwater in one fell sweep, its gonna be really warm for days to come...


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