Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm such a disappointment

SHIT!!! I've totally neglected to include the '89 dissent in East Germany part into my essay when it clearly says in my sub-headers 1960s to 80s. While the lecturer was covering it today everything just starts to look a lot bleaker.

Its so important, so unique and so significant; best part of it all, I left it out while discussing Dissent in East Germany. I'm so going to pay through my nose for this! 40% of the grade! Shitty things happen when you realize you should have done more while reading up.

Its just typical isn't it.. there's always things i would like to have done if only there was more time.. yet again I don't think I would be satisfied even with that.

Exams around the corner.. assignments not cleared yet and then I still feel I know peanuts about everything I've been doing thus far. Most probably I'm going to end up sumitting peanuts and get a monkey grade for that.

I'm not angry with myself or anything... its just disappointed I guess. Could have been better, but isn't that what life is about? You always try to make it better. At least things weren't as bleak as last sem when I almost thought I should just go on a sem break given how ill I became.

A lot to be done yet so little I seem to be able to do. Suddenly I feel I'm damned to mediocrity (this is so going to sound megalomanic), not that there's anything wrong with being average but I've always thought if you could be better why not right?

Then again what is better? Maybe I'm fine, just thinking too much. Time to stop thinking and go eat, I'm starving, stomach is growling, presentation at 6pm later for the marketing plan...
Its time to get going again.


Blogger Dee said...

at least monkeys get to be happy, u don wanna have all the good grades but end up in hospital foaming at the mouth from information overload~

chill and gear up for the exams, den it's a loong break =)

7:53 pm  
Blogger Ah Cat said...

Yar lor. I'm lookin at some of the wacky post of my friends as well. Everybody is going crazy. Haha. Theres's one musing over the profanity 'fuck'. Quite amusing. :-)

1:33 pm  

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