Sunday, March 26, 2006

This is simply marvellously executed. Very smooth and very very sleek. Worth a watch. I hope I can get the player here so you won't have to go to youtube to watch it but just in case I can't here's the link.

Its taken from the 2004 world Super Stars Dance Festival with the two dancers Michael Malitowski & Joanna Leunis dancing the Rumba.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Breeding season

That was the last straw.

I had enough of unwanted guests in my bedroom. Just a couple of days ago I was visted by 小强 (a medium size roach) just as I was about to fall asleep. The shock of having a roach that near to your face (was like about 30cm away from that wall ) totally dispell any notion of sleep and thus cause me to lose another precious 1 hour.

That was around 1am, two days ago...

New guest arrived today in the shape of a little white commar. Probably around 2mm max. in length. I didn't even notice it was there until I accidently touched it.

Me: Eh... what's that. Feels rather soft and cushy to touch. (Looks so much like a piece of rubber shaving that it never occured to me that it was alive).

When it finally reacted to my pencil poking I was filled with curiosity and a tinge of disgust. I only realize it could be a termite grub when I offhandedly mentioned it to my parents.
OMG! I'm in big trouble if I have a termite infestation, almost 75% of my room is filled with wood.

That's it! Last straw! You pests are not going to build a nest right under my nose. Not when the lizards have just started to breed an entire new generation (new baby lizards running around the place) . Just placed poisoned pellets around and hope to see the effect soon. No more 小强s and hopefully its not a termite grub that I saw. I so regret not killing them when I see them. (I had the aircon on when 小强 was visiting and somehow I just didn't add one & two together to see the threat that seemingly innocent white thing posed).
Just go somewhere else.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Ramble ramble

Seemed like forever since I last posted something here. Wasn't really because there wasn't anything happening in my life per se, was more of a sense of disconnection I guess. Felt as though I lost touch with my emotions and sentiments, I wasn't really put off by the ridiculous amount of work or even meetings at weird timings and hours (meetings at 10 o'clock at night, or discussions and presentation rehearsals on saturdays & even possibly sundays).
Must have pulled out the plug somewhere during this sem. Either that or the successful hitting of the reset button during the 1 month break really helped.

Meeting friends a little lesser and hitting the library more often. I figured I wasn't really cut out for the super 'chiong' kind. I can't have both and any attempt is bound to result in extreme dissastisfaction & disappointment. You just gotta give yourself a break once in a while, pushing till you break is definitely not a good option (learnt this the hard way).

Recent craze: Birkenstocks sandals. (See picture below)

Colourful and comfy with a hefty price tag. I doubt I'll be getting but its one of those things you get obsessed over for the moment and hopefully it passes.
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