Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"History is the most dangerous product evolved from the chemistry of the intellect... History will justify anything. It teaches precisely nothing, for it contains everything and furnishes examples of everything... ... Nothing was more completely ruined by the last war than the pretension to foresight. But it was not from any lack of knowledge of history surely."
Paul Valery on history after WWI

"You are what you are and you will never be different; this is, was, and always will be your life. He who has money, lives long; he who has authority, can do no wrong; he who has might, establishes right. Such is history! Ecce historia! Here is the present; take of its body, eat, and die."
German poet Gottfried Benn


Friday, September 08, 2006


Which one do you prefer? Morning or night?

I guess night... Its not that I reject sunlight but I'm attracted to the dark. The night: mysterious, unknown, comforting, seductive, soothing, introspective and calm.
The only time when you can stop and slow down, reflect and think deeply. Or just be left alone, without the rush, to do things at your pace and understand issues in your own time.

Head to a club, pubs or even the nearby 24 hrs MacDonalds if you want some human presence. For now... at this very moment, I want to be alone. Here, pondering.
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