Saturday, February 11, 2006

Its a crazy rush. Feli, do this. Feli do that. N don't you forget you've got that to take care of. The last thing I need is a group that doesn't function like a group. 6 members... 2 are not responding online; one very quiet one; another very cocky. I smell trouble. People submit your stuff when you have to CAN?? Be more pro-active, a little help here? Why do I always have to do admin? At least show some interest so I won't look ridiculous here.

So little time... so much stuff. Looking at the stack piling up week after week it just dawns on me why the information doesn't go in. I simply don't want to know anymore. I don't care who dies, how many died, what happened and how it happened. Lectures are ok, I just don't want to read anymore.

Damn it!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Countries visited thus far... Maybe time to start expanding...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Thanks to all who came and those who made this CNY enjoyable. If I've been a bad host, please forgive me. I'm quite lousy at this, so just make yourself at home should you come by next time.

The same few questions that are normally asked during these visitations popped up once again (nobody asked about relationships this time round). We always go back to the same few questions whenever they ask what I'm doing in Uni.

Me: Oh, I doing history, currently in 3rd year.
Reply: History? Hmm.. wat do you want to work as when you come out? Teach? Its like quite limited in its application in the real world. Why not something practical like architecture, business or engineering.

Then just yesterday, someone asked: Do you really enjoy what you are doing?

Both yes & no. Its something I would rather do than any other things being offered. Frustration sets in especially when I just don't seem to do well no matter how hard you try. I keep missing the point, more importantly, I'm concerned that I might be losing my enthusiasm (not as in hate the subj, I can't bring myself to do that even after being bashed quite badly a few times). Maybe something else radically different like Art or Design & technology. Anything outside the world of academia.

Time has shown that the paths taken by my close friends tend to be radically different from mine. But we all share a similarity, we all stumble through the education system to get to where we currently are. I consider myself blessed in that I manage to miraculously keep on the standardized path of progression. Others have taken alternative routes and are still looking for their way. You people know who you are. Just want to say I'm behind you guys and gals always. We will get there...

My Way
i will find my way
i want a different way
i'll change the wind and rain
there be a brand new day
i will find my way i want a different way
nothing will stop me now no matter what they say
现在用心去追 感觉就对
i'll find my way
i will find my way
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