Friday, September 16, 2005

Mid-term "break"


Its the mid-term break already and I still feel like I don't really understand what is going on in school. N yaya, the lecturers are saying its a good thing if you feel that you don't really understand everything, means you're learning something.
Ya right! You put yourself in my shoes and you'll know how it feels to be blur. Looking back, I'm surprised I've come this far. Hopefully this continues to last me for the rest of my life... i hope that's not asking for too much?

Mid-sem, what do we have? Struggling with papers, examinations and of course catching up on the reading materials while trying to make some headway out of whatever is being dished out. I might have stumbled upon a mental bloc recently, can't seem to think properly.. or rather my brain refuses to do any active thinking. Engines not oiled? Need to find a way to get it moving or else I'll be up to my eyebrows in shit just like the previous sem.
Have already screwed up one test that's going to cost me 15% because I missed out half the question. Now how dumb can that be??

The irony about this entire mid-term "break" its a smart move not to call it a holiday.. cos its not for many of us , lecturers are an exception to the norm. I guess the only reason we got back our break was because they were supporting our bid for it so they could use the holiday to get out of the country or do anything they want before heading back to their desk. The term "break" is neutral, its an aberration from the norm, so ya there u have it, your aberration. They call it a five days break, did anyone ever tell them that Sunday and saturdays should not be counted as working days? So sunday to thursday is a five day break... obviously trying to pull wool over our eyes (as if anyone would buy it..)


Blogger kachuaz said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:24 pm  
Blogger kachuaz said...

ai zai...

hate to admit this but..i'm losing faith..

5:25 pm  
Blogger Ah Cat said...

How come losing faith? Buck up fren!! We hav to kip going!

how come the comment is deleted?? I didn't do anything. Wat the shit.

11:21 pm  
Blogger kachuaz said...

i deleted the comment. cuz got typo. haha. not only the admin can delete comments lah. author also can.

5:29 pm  

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