Wednesday, August 17, 2005


This dream recurred a second time in these few months and I'm still wondering where this place could be... The setting is different this time round and I deliberately forced myself to stay in bed in order to "finish" the dream. So here goes..

I found myself in the middle of a castle (not much different from the usual ones you would expect from fantasy stories about druids and medieval Europe. And no I had not been reading any fantasy stories or watching anything around this theme for sometime already.) I didn't feel threatened but like the other time I was here, I knew I am in danger.. Either from something or someone; which I was about to find out soon enough. I had a group of followers around me and it seemed that they have been deployed to get me out of the castle safely. It wasn't the typical knights in armor thing, rather this was a gang of hodge-podge workers from the castle; ordinary folk who have not seen battle and were eager to escape.

We were chased around the castle by an unknown force
(probably black magic of some sort) and were forced to retreat into a small room where one of the apprentice magician was able to keep us safe for the moment. A spell was cast and much of the castle was frozen in ice in a desperate attempt to stop the gargoyles' progress (these were made alive by the enemy forces) thus delaying the attack.

Cornered we could only take our chances by risking another confrontation with the gargoyles in order to get to the underground chambers which led out into the streets. We kept our hands to ourselves for fear that our body heat would melt the thin ice prison that kept the monsters at bay. Armed with only a shot gun, i ventured out with the group into the icy frost that shrouded the atmosphere, typical during this time of the year.
The escape had been successful.

We retreated into a deserted warehouse with the enemy in hot pursuit. Their mages have discovered our getaway and infantry forces were sent in both to occupy the castle and another to annihilate us. We were trapped. The only hope was that our main forces could arrive in time to save our skins by a surprise attack from the rear.

We held the fort for as long as we could before reinforcements arrived. By the time they did, less than half of the original group was left alive. Bodies were strewn over the place, some with their entrails hanging out of their stomaches, a sign of brutal disembowelment by the enemy footsoldiers who had managed to sneak in at the last minute just as our defences were breaking down.

Their sudden retreat came as a surprise and it took a while before i realize that our own reinforcements had arrived...

What happened after that was a blur.. I guess i was gaining consciousness once again. The castle looked awfully familiar and the last time i saw it in my dream i remembered the presence of a torture chamber.. Wondering when's the next time i'm gonna be there and if there's actually such a place in this world that we live in today.
P.S: On a trip to Switzerland I saw something familiar about one of the structures on the river... A little like a scene from a dream of mine which i had before i visited the place...


Blogger kachuaz said...

wah piangz...your are truly a "arty" person..


6:51 pm  
Blogger Ah Cat said...

Wah like that consider damn arty ar? Next time i post another one... had it 2 or 3 years ago.Very vivid and i still remember it till now...

Was even bloodier than this.

11:33 pm  

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